Blog: Services

Lameness Exam

Lameness impacts your horses’ gait or stance, often affecting their walk or trot. This abnormality could be caused by an underlying health condition, like neurological imbalances or pain. Pain in their muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, or joints can create a range of mobility issues which are important to look out…

Heath Certificates and Export Papers

If you’ll be taking your horse outside the country, it’s important to have all the relevant paperwork completed to make the entry process easier. Please check the specific requirements of the country your horse is travelling to since they differ based on the area. We recommend planning ahead if you…


Regular checkups ensure your horse’s teeth stay in good health. It also allows us to determine if any additional steps need to be taken to address issues like gum disease or fractured teeth. As your horse’s teeth continue to grow throughout the different stages of their lives, checkups help us…

Castration (Gelding)

Equine castration (gelding) is a procedure that involves removing male horses’ testicles while they are under general anesthesia. This ensures their safety during the procedure, with our veterinary team closely monitoring changes in their vitals, helping us to act quickly if needed. Closely following our pre and post surgery instructions…